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Propellor Property

Get Advice from Successful Professionals Before Buying Investment Property

Investment Property Get Advice from Successful Professionals Before Buying Investment Property

Buying a house as an investment property may seem simple, but without a knowledgeable team behind you, you could find yourself in a financial hole. Propellor Property Investments has the experience to guide you through the process of investing in property to set yourself up for a better life. We work with you to determine the terms and conditions that will help you to earn money rather than lose it.

Furthermore, our network of industry connections and resources enables us to provide you with access to exclusive investment opportunities that may not be readily available to the general public. Through our extensive network, we can help you uncover hidden gems in the market and capitalize on emerging trends, giving you a competitive edge in your investment endeavors. With Propellor Property Investments, you’ll have access to a world of possibilities in the ever-evolving real estate landscape.

What Sets Propellor Property Investments Apart Regarding an Income Property?

We coordinate the entire process by organising the professionals you need – Mortgage brokers, solicitors, accountants.

We are property strategists who partner with a variety of professionals to guide you through the investment process. A few benefits that we offer:

  • We tailor our services specifically to your needs. We include insights from mortgage brokers, accountants, solicitors, and property management companies to help you begin the process of property investment for long-term income potential.
  • Our stellar reputation in the industry allows us to negotiate better terms on your contracts, offering additional benefits to get your portfolio started and helping it to grow into the empire that you desire.
  • PROPELLOR Property Investments works closely with its licensed sister company Gardens Realty Group so that we can match you with a property that suits your unique investment criteria and professionally manage the sale process. b
  • PROPELLOR Property Investments can refer you to vetted property management companies close to your investment property so that you receive the best possible property management services putting your ongoing investment in autopilot

Our extensive experience, contacts, and knowledge afford you the perfect starting place for investing in properties that garner income potential.

Common Mistakes People Make Regarding an Investor Property

Investing in property to secure additional income sounds easy and buy a house, fix it up a little, and rent it out but ignoring the risks leaves you open to significant financial losses that you weren’t expecting. It is always your best bet to consult qualified pros in the market who can advise you on the areas that provide the best income potential. A few considerations:

  • Market fluctuations can quickly turn your sound investment into a nightmare loss. A professional who knows the current market and has experience with fluctuations can help you to make a better investment choice.
  • Hiring a property management team eliminates the need to deal with contractors to fix problems that arise at your properties.
  • Buying too many properties in a short period will eat away at your profits and create headaches over keeping up with repairs, getting properties ready to rent, and finding tenants.

To become successful, property investors know to seek the counsel of professionals who understand the market and can help you build a portfolio at a pace that is comfortable for you and your bank account.

About Propellor Property Investments

We have been advising Kiwis on property investment for a decade. We employ the best advisors in the market to help ensure that your investment is a success. Our founder has written a bestselling book regarding property investment, and she conducts semnars to help you learn more about the exciting process that secures a passive income for you and your family. When you’re ready to get started with property investment, give us a call and learn how we can help you achieve that dream.