0800 81 81 91

Propellor Property

Build a Property portfolio

Where to next?

You already understand the power of property investment, but many investors don’t know how to turn the equity and income from their investment property into a tangible tool to improve their financial situation.

Property Investment is a business with all the same risks associated with any business endeavour. It is important that you understand what can be achieved for you in a short, medium and long-term financial goal, with an exit strategy under your belt.

Propellor Property Investments is New Zealand’s only true property strategy company. Many companies that profess to be property investment experts are no more than Real Estate companies looking to sell properties despite their suitability for your needs and goals.

We don’t believe in shoe-horning an investor into a property.

Our objective is to find you the best solution to suit your earnings and outgoings—and then ensuring you have the right financial and legal structures in place. We work with trusted professionals who create a tailor-made investment strategy for you. This strategy gives private property investors an opportunity to draw on a level of industry knowledge not normally at their disposal.

How can even one investment property pay off your home mortgage faster?

How can an investment property give you a passive income within 10 years? How can you ensure you currently have the best mortgage structure for your home that will not compromise your day-to-day cash flow? By working with New Zealand’s most respected property investment company. Propellor Property Investments can create a tailor-made investment strategy for you that will focus on helping you achieve better returns in investment property. Give us a call or visit our contact page to get in touch with a representative today.

If you would like to learn more about our free property investing service, please book a consultation with the button below.

Get a free Copy of the best selling Property Investing Book

Download the latest version of Best Selling Property Investing Book 'A Fabulous Failure' by Nikki Connors - who breaks down exactly how she made millions through investment property and how you can do it too!

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